How To Talk To A Loved One About Addiction Near Philadelphia
It often happens that you will notice the signs of drug or alcohol use in a family member before they do. Struggling to manage commitments, being secretive or defensive about substance use, or looking sick all may be signs of addiction.
But how might you approach them about this uncomfortable subject? The one thing you don’t want to do is turn away an individual who is battling with alcohol or drug use disorder. Here’s how to talk to a loved one about addiction near Philadelphia and how to start them on the recovery path.
Address Their Addiction Wherever They Will Be Relaxed
Approaching someone you love about their substance use disorder is called an intervention. This is the moment when you advise them that you know they have an issue and want them to find expert help.
Speaking about their disorder will undoubtedly be uncomfortable for them. Help them feel calm by holding the intervention somewhere familiar, like at home or a favorite hangout spot. If you would like some assistance, call other people who know and care about this person. You might also pick an hour when everyone will have ample time to discuss.
Be Direct And Sincere
When discussing addiction, you need to be clear. Don’t sidestep the subject or use puzzling euphemisms. Tell your friend or family member that you have concerns about their alcohol or drug use. Relate the red flags of addiction you see, such as being less than forthcoming, withdrawing from others, shirking obligations, or engaging in risky activities. Detail the withdrawal symptoms that you’ve witnessed, like how they get sick and irritable when they go without their substance. Emphasize that you are concerned about their health, love them, and want to help.
The person you’re trying to help might respond in a negative manner. No matter how lovingly you address them, they could feel angry, ashamed, or embarrassed. Continue to speak firmly but civilly. Don’t argue or yell. Don’t forget, your objective is to help them improve their lives, not feel more inadequate.
Let Them Talk
Your family member or friend could feel attacked or overwhelmed if you dominate the conversation. Offer them a chance to respond when they appear to want to. They might be quiet in the beginning. Or, they could get defensive. Allow them to get a word in while withholding judgment. Don't coerce them if they aren’t set to engage or accept help. Inform them you’re available to converse when they’re ready, and you will check in with them soon.
Set And Enforce Your LimitsLimitations
Addiction is harmful to more than the individual using alcohol or drugs. If your family member’s or friend’s addiction is affecting you, tell them. Establish limits to stop it from impacting you further. That may include informing them you cannot provide them with money or they aren’t allowed to communicate with susceptible loved ones until they start recovery. If they challenge those boundaries, hold your ground. These restrictions safeguard you and demonstrate how resolute you are about the situation.
Offer To Help Them Find Treatment
Seeking treatment for addiction is challenging, so extend an offer to help your loved one. This is one of the most essential elements of how to talk to a loved one about their addiction near Philadelphia. Research addiction recovery providers and come prepared with whatever you find. Offer to make the phone call, provide a ride, or help pay for care, if possible. If they decline treatment today, let them know you’ll retain the resources you found and help them when they’re ready to move forward.
Get More Advice On How To Talk To A Loved One About Addiction Near Philadelphia
Need help locating drug or alcohol use treatment for a person close to you? Sunrise Detox Cherry Hill is your dedicated local substance use disorder treatment center. Dial 856-333-3783 or submit the following form to talk to us right away about getting started. We answer 24/7, 365 days a year. We’re ready to assist you and your loved one any time you need us.